About Us

Hi there, my name is Doug Ash or Dash and I’m a runner, so iBeDashin should just roll right off the tongue.

I prefer trail running over road running, minimal shoes over traditional shoes, and all food, especially if its free food. There are times when I eat healthier than others, but I run because I eat and I eat because I run.

Personalized Richmond Marathon bib
Personalized Richmond Marathon bib

I started running in middle school around the 7th grade already enjoying cross country over track. Continued running all through high school, running cross country and outdoor track each year.

A picture of me with what has now become my favorite race day shirt
Favorite race day shirt, Run Happy. circa 2004

I hated indoor track, did it once freshman year, but running around an indoor track 22 times for 2 miles, breathing nothing but stuffy, recycled air was not my style. I was never really fully competitive, I seemed to finish races 2nd or 3rd for my team in my later years. But I enjoyed the atmosphere, I made some of my best friends running in high school. You learn a lot about others participating in team sports, but running with others for an hour at a time, puts the friendship on a different level. I enjoyed being a captain for both XC & Track my last two years and seemed to do a really good job at it.

XC Seniors
XC Seniors, circa 2005

High school was also when iBeDashin started. In gym class everyone had to write their first initial and full last name. One of my friends randomly called me DASH. After looking at them a little crazy, he pointed out the D for Doug and my last name Ash were put so close together it looked like a name. As a runner DASH seemed to fit just right. I added the extra letters when I created my AIM account since DASH was already taken. The only struggle then and now is without the capitalization people get pretty creative when trying to say it.

Doug Ash
Running on local RVA trails, present day

After high school I went for my Bachelors at Old Dominion University. As a school they had nothing to do with running; no XC, no track, no running clubs, so I got heavy into the gym. I also wanted to lose my skinny frame and gain muscle. The gym worked well for a year, until the marathon bug bit me, summer before my sophomore year. My training was horrible; I would train well one week then the next week would be nothing but fun college activities. I ended up running a 3:45, which is respectable for a first time finish, but it was pretty painful. I have since run 3 others marathons without going under 3:45. The closest I got was 3:52 and that was after joining a marathon training team, so I have come to realize how important strength is for the long haul.

I have run countless 5/10ks either on trail or road and a handful of half marathons. My first ultra, Mountain Masochist 50 mile trail race, is coming up Nov 7th, so that should be entertaining. I have been logging decent miles & running with race day gear to test out everything, but I still feel woefully undertrained. Some of the urge to run an ultra came out of running Trail Ragnar Races and hanging out with my crazy RVA trail running group. I have participated in a few Trail Ragnar Races and highly recommend getting a team together, so you can experience their Run, Eat, Sleep? mentality. Expect posts relating to my adventures over the coming months.

This blog should revolve mostly around my running but I do enjoy other outdoors activities, such as hiking long distances and outdoor photography.

Please enjoy!!!